Work-related sun protection is tax deductible in Australia & New Zealand

3 min read
Work-related sun protection is tax deductible in Australia & New Zealand
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Individuals who spend long periods of time outdoors for work may be eligible to claim tax deductions for sun protective products each year. 

On the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and the New Zealand Inland Revenue (IRD) websites it is outlined that there are a number of tax deductions that can be made in relation to clothing, laundry and dry cleaning expenses specifically related to your occupation.

The ATO stipulates that "You can claim for clothing and footwear that you wear to protect yourself from the risk of illness or injury posed by your income-earning activities or the environment in which you are required to carry them out. To be considered protective, the items must provide a sufficient degree of protection against that risk."

Who can claim sun protection tax deductions?

  • Builders and tradespeople
  • Farmers
  • Fishermen
  • Couriers and delivery people
  • Sports professionals, coaches and trainers
  • Outdoor recreation staff and PE teachers
  • Landscape gardeners, landscapers and foresters

What can be claimed?

You may be eligible to claim a tax deduction for the cost of buying, hiring, replacing or maintaining the following:

  • Sun protective clothing and protective clothing
  • Sun protective accessories and head gear including sun hats. 
  • Some types of sunglasses.

    If you are unsure if you qualify, ask your accountant.

    For further information, please refer to the ATO website or to the IRD's website for New Zealand.

      We provide all of our customers with a GST invoice for your records. This record of purchase could be used later on should you need to provide written evidence to the ATO.

      For the avoidance of doubt, Solbari does not provide tax advice and you should consult with your tax advisor directly as to the eligibility of any tax deduction claim.


      Content Disclaimer: This website pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion about med­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. All content and media on the Solbari website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should seek professional advice.

      Further reading...